Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kef KHT3005SE (KHT3005)(Video Review)Cheap Egg 5.1 AV Speakers

Review Of The The Black Gloss KEF KHT3005SE(KHT3005) 5.1 AV Home Cinema System With The HTB2SE Active Subwoofer

This is a short review of the multi award winning AV speaker system from KEF, which is known as the KEF KHT3005. This system consist of six key components, these include four KHT3005SE satellite speakers, one HTC3005SE centre speaker and a new and improved HTB2SE active subwoofer.

For Cheap Prices, Great Deals And More Information Click On This Picture Of The KEF KHT3005SE (KHT-3005SE/KHT3005/KHT-3005) AV Home Cinema Speaker Package With Sateilite Speakers and Active Subwoofer

The KEF KHT3005SE is a high performing multipurpose black gloss home theatre system. This system has been produced to the highest standard and will compliment any living space and AV set up. The black gloss finish complements the latest AV equipment matching the latest LCD and Plasma televisions.  This KEF KHT-3005SE system is by far the best compact Av speaker system currently on the market.
The satellite speakers in the system are stylishly curved to make sure the KHT3005SE looks as good as it performs. Within the cast aluminium curved black gloss enclosures you will find the latest KEF speaker technology including their exclusive Uni-Q driver and tweeters. The Uni-Q technology evenly distributes sound around the room, which means to will experience super sound quality regardless of where you are sitting in a room.

Small changes and tweaks have been made to the technology within the speakers of the KHT3005SE to make them more sensitive, delivering a superior sound quality with every aspect of audio. The satellite speakers in the KHT300SE perform outstandingly whether you are listening to music, or watching an action film, adapting it to compliment the audio source.

There is more to the design of the KEF KHT3005 speakers than meets the eye, not only do they look great, their shape and design has acoustic benefits too. The curved design has been tested against straight speakers, proving that the curve is important. There are also distinctive ribs on the speaker this improves the speakers rigidity, producing a clean, natural and smooth sound. The grills on the front of the speakers are magnetic and can be removed with ease, to suit your own personal taste.

If five speakers are not enough for you then you can buy the KHT3005SE speakers in pairs separately, if you want to add to your cinema system creating 7.1 and 9.1 speaker arrangements.
The ideal set up for a 5.1 speaker set up is to have the centre speaker at the front, under or above the LCD TV, plasma television or projector screen. The centre speaker is a very important aspect of the speaker system as it carries around 60 per cent of the sound including the dialog. That is why the HTC3005SE comes with its own dedicated centre speaker. Compared to the standard satellite speakers in the KHT3005SE system the centre speaker is slightly larger, with an increased power handling for extra punchy sound. The two pairs of satellite speakers are used as front and rear speakers. The front speakers sit on either side of the TV and the rear speakers ideally need to be behind the viewer. The rear speakers really kick in when you are watching a film; you can really appreciate what is going on around the character as the KHT3005SE puts you in the centre of the action.

The HTB2SE is the 250w active subwoofer in the KHT3005SE speaker system. The unit well not disappoint and can perform to the highest standards all day if need be. Depending on space the subwoofer can be placed vertically or horizontally if need be. The KEF KHT3005SE AV speaker package is the ultimate and compact speaker system and is definitely work buying from if you are looking to enhance your home cinema.

Click On This Link KEF KHT3005SE For A Cheap Price And More Information On This Award Winning Home Cinema Speaker System And Active Subwoofer

Product Features

Accessories Supplied
-User Manual
-Quick Start Guide
-Warranty Card
Weight, Power Dimensions
-Power Handling 100W
-Weight Satellite - 2.0kg (4.5lbs), Centre - 2.6kg (5.8lbs)
-Dimensions (H x W x D) Satellite - 245 x 125 x 150 mm (9.6 x 4.9 x 5.9 in.), Centre - 130 x 300 x 185 mm (5.1 x 11.8 x 7.3 in.)
-Finishes High gloss black, High gloss silver
-Product of the Year 2008 What HiFi Awards

Sound and Vision Bolton
44-46 Higher Market Street
Greater Manchester
Telephone: 01204 861 861

Sound and Vision Leeds
78 Armley Road,
West Yorkshire
LS12 2EJ
Telephone: 0113 244 3030


For More Information And A Discounted Price On This 5.1 AV Home Cinema System Click this Link KEF KHT3005SE

Kef KHT1005.2 (KHT-1005/2)(Video Review)Home Cinema/Theatre Cheap Egg 5.1 AV Speaker Sub/Sat System

Review Of The Gloss Black Kef KHT1005.2(KHT-1005/2) 5.1 AV Home Cinema Speaker System With KUBE 1 Active Subwoofer

This is a short review of the KHT1005.2 5.1 AC home cinema system from KEF. The KEF KHT1005 is an award winning yet affordable home cinema speaker package. Consisting of five satellite speakers and one KUBE 1 active subwoofer, the KHT1005 is one of the basic systems in the KEF range.

Click On This Picture For A Cheap Price and More Information On The KEF KHT1005.2 (KHT-1005.2) AV Home Cinema Speaker Package With Sateilite Speakers And Active Subwoofer

 The unique style and design on the KHT-1005 satellite speakers, has led to them being nicked named the KEF egg system. The KEF KHT1005 is now in its second generation delivering power sound despite their compact size.  The KHT1005.2 AV system now comes with the KUBE 1 subwoofer which enhances the bass sound quality, improving the lower frequencies. These remarkable speakers are multi award winners and are heavily reviewed, but to really appreciate the sound quality you need to experience them yourself.

The satellite speakers in the KHT-1005.2 system are also known as the HTS1000.2 and HTC1001.2. The HTS1000.2 is the satellite speakers in the system, the front pair and rear pair, the HTC1001.2 is the centre speaker. In the ideal speaker set up the HTC1001 centre speaker will be placed below or above the television or protector screen, and is primarily used for dialog. A pair of the HTS1001 satellite speakers should be placed on either side of the screen, and the rear pair should be placed behind the viewer to reflect background noise. With the right speaker system like the KEF KHT1005, you are able to experience a whole new dimension to your home entertainment, putting you in the heart of the action. You will certainly experience the benefit of the KHT1005.2 system if you enjoy watching action films, as the bass performs effortlessly when it comes to the reproduction of explosions.

The sleek simple design of the KHT1005.2 is complimented by the sophisticated design of the KUBE 1 active subwoofer.  The satellite speakers are beautifully designed with the enclosures being made out of cast aluminium. The small satellite egg shaped speakers stand around 75mm in height, but do not let this cute design through you, they are very powerful speakers. Enclosed within the KHT1005.2 satellite speakers you will discover the KEF exclusive Uni-Q driver, teamed up with impressive tweeters to recreate remarkable vocals and detailed sound.

To get the very best out of this affordable speaker system you should team it up with a good amplifier or AV receiver. The main manufacturers you should keep and eye out for our, Yamaha, Pioneer and Onkyo. Additional pairs of satellite speakers are available to buy separately, allowing you to turn the standard AV speaker system from a 5.1 system to a 7.1 or even a 9.2 system.
With the introduction of the KUBE 1 to this second generation of KHT1005, KEF has improved the frequency range incredibly. This subwoofer has the ability to enhance explosions in the latest block buster movies or be delicate with music from your favourite CD.The KEF 1005.2 is a great budget AV speaker system, with the superior sound quality that KEF is famous for.

Click On This Link KHT1005, For More information And A Discounted Price On this 5.1 AV Home Cinema System

Product Features
- Design Two-way closed box satellite / centre 
- Drive Units 75mm (3in.) Uni-Q array with 15mm (0.6in.) aluminium HF
- Crossover Frequencies 3kHz
- Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) 86dB
- Frequency Response (+/-3dB) 120Hz - 22kHz 
- Maximum Output 104dB
- Input Impedance 8 Ohms
- Magnetic Shielding Yes
-Internal Volume 0.5litres 
- Power Handling 100W
- Weight 0.7kg (1.5lbs) 
- Dimensions (H x W x D) Satellite - 165 x 110 x 78mm (6.5 x 4.4 x 3.1 in.), Centre - 107 x 181 x 78 mm (4.2 x 7.1 x 3.1 in.)
- Finishes High Gloss Black

Sound and Vision Bolton
44-46 Higher Market Street
Greater Manchester
Telephone: 01204 861 861

Sound and Vision Leeds
78 Armley Road,
West Yorkshire
LS12 2EJ
Telephone: 0113 244 3030


Click On This Link KHT1005 For A Low Price And More Information On this AV Home Cinema Speaker Package

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kef KHT2005.3 (KHT-2005/3)(Video Review)Home Cinema/Theatre Cheap Egg 5.1 AV Speaker Sub/Sat System

Review Of The Gloss Black KEF KHT-2005.3 5.1 Home Cinema Speaker System with the KUBE 2 Active Subwoofer

This is a review of the KEF 5.1 home cinema system called the KHT2005.3. The KEF KHT2005 is a 5.1 home cinema system that features five specialist KEF satellite speakers and the compact and powerful KUBE2 Active Subwoofer.

Click On This Image For A Discount Price And More Information On The  KEF KHT-2005.3 (KHT2005.3) AV Home Cinema Speaker Package With Sateilite Speakers and Active Subwoofer

If you are looking for the perfect speaker system to enhance your home entertainment, then look no further than the KEF KHT2005.3. This KEF KHT2005 system has won many awards over the years, so they are very well known within the AV and Hifi industry. They have been reviewed by so many people over the years, but to really appreciate them you need to experience them for yourself.

Do not allow their compact egg shaped design to trick you into thinking they are all sweetness and light, believe me these speakers can pack a punch. Within the cast aluminium enclosures of the KHT200H satellite speakers you will find KEFs exclusive and unique Uni-Q point source driver array. The Uni-Q driver has an outstanding acoustic clarity, reproducing a punchy detailed sound. KEF have been developing, enhancing and fine tuning their exclusive Uni-Q driver to that it attains a superior level of sound compared to conventional speakers. As well as the Uni-Q driver in the cast aluminium cabinets, there are dome tweeters which produce the most intense vocals, they will give you goose pumps.

The KHT-2005.3 is made up of five identical satellite speakers. The system includes two front speakers, two rear speakers and a centre speaker. If the KHT2005.3 KUBE 2 speaker system you also get an active subwoofer. As the satellite speakers are all identical, they achieve a tonal match, further enhancing the sound quality.
The KHT-2005 satellite speakers are flexible enough to be placed in any corner of the room, but still give you the same smooth even sound regardless of where you are sitting. The centre speaker has the flexibility of being horizontal of vertical, depending on own personal needs and space.

The active subwoofer that comes with the KEF KHT2005 is the KUBE2 active subwoofer. The KUBE-2 generates impressive and immense bass that will definitely rock your home cinema, which is great for those of you who enjoy action films. The KUBE 2 features a 200W on board Class-D amplifier which has the flexibility of personalising the output, frequency controls and a Bass Boost option you are able to set the KUBE 2 to your own taste or to specific room conditions.

The KUBE 2 and KEF KHT2005.3 5.1 satellite speakers are finished in a high black gloss finish. This high quality black finish matches the latest AV equipment, and the finish is discreet and sublet with in a living room or home cinema space.

The satellite speakers and subwoofer on the KHT-2005.3 have their own job to do when you are enjoying the latest Blu-rays, movies or television programmes. The centre speaker is normally placed above or below the LCD TV, plasma television or projector screen and is reasonable for reproducing dialog and vocals. The two front speakers normally sit on either side of the television or projector screen, and they reproduce foreground noise and some dialog. The rear speakers are placed behind the viewers, and deliver the back ground noise, and the KUBE 2 subwoofer takes care of the booming bass and low frequencies.
To get the most out of the KEF KHT2005.3 the system need to be connected to a good AV receiver or amplifier. There are many AV receivers on the market that would complement and enhance the sound reproduction of the KHT-2005.3. Keep an eye for the AV receivers from manufacturers like Pioneer, Onkyo, Sony and Yamaha.

The KEF KHT200.3 and the KUBE 2 is a fantastic 5.1 home cinema speaker system that will give your home entertainment a new lease of life. The awards and outstanding reviews on enhance the impressive performance and intense sound quality the KEFT KHR2005.3 delivers.

Click On This Link KEF KHT2005.3 Review For More Information And A Discount Price On This Award Winning Home Cinema System

Speaker Specification
-100 mm Woofer Cone
-19 mm Tweeter Cone
-8 Ohms Impedance
-80 Hz - 27 kHz Frequency Range
-88dB Sensitivity (SPL)

-best Style Speaker Package £500-£700 2008 What HiFi? Awards
- Dec-08 What Hi-Fi? Group Test Winner

Sound and Vision Bolton
44-46 Higher Market Street
Greater Manchester
Telephone: 01204 861 861

Sound and Vision Leeds
78 Armley Road,
West Yorkshire
LS12 2EJ
Telephone: 0113 244 3030


Click On This Link KEF KHT-2005.3 Review For A Cheap Price And More Information On This Fantastic 5.1 Home Cinema Speaker Package and Active Subwoofer